In the cities of Arta and Ioannina, we are ready to “move heaven and earth”, to serve you with a smile.

Auto Driver  |  Ι.ΚΤΕΟ ΗΠΕΙΡΟΥ Auto Driver  |  Ι.ΚΤΕΟ ΗΠΕΙΡΟΥ


Book online with the Motor Vehicle Periodic Inspection Centre, AUTODRIVER, through our site. One of our representatives will call you to confirm the date and time.

Auto Driver  |  Ι.ΚΤΕΟ ΗΠΕΙΡΟΥ Auto Driver  |  Ι.ΚΤΕΟ ΗΠΕΙΡΟΥ


The private Motor Vehicle Periodic Inspection Center, AUTODRIVER, has the most updated equipment and carries out all possible services an inspection center can provide with absolute safety and confidence on the part of our qualified personnel.

Auto Driver  |  Ι.ΚΤΕΟ ΗΠΕΙΡΟΥ Auto Driver  |  Ι.ΚΤΕΟ ΗΠΕΙΡΟΥ


Adequate Years






Autodriver Stores

breezing into...

We moved heaven…” for your safety on earth. With the safety of the road worthiness test carried out on your vehicle by our qualified personnel, you just “breeze” onto the road.”


High quality services +

adequate years of technical know how

The private Motor Vehicle Periodic Inspection Center, Autodriver, has the most updated equipment and carries out all possible services an inspection center can provide with absolute safety and confidence on the part of our qualified personnel.

  • Light vehicle testing (private cars, taxis, driving tuition vehicles etc.)
  • Two-wheel vehicle testing (all two wheel above 50 cc vehicle categories)
  • Heavy vehicle testing (buses and trucks with gross laden weight above 3.5t)
  • Exhaust test card (exhaust emission testing)
  • Voluntary road worthiness test (optional road worthiness testing of the state/ technical condition of the vehicle)
  • Initial special LPG test (approval of the LPG conversion due to system installation)
  • Special LPG uninstallation test (approval of conversion due to system uninstallation)
  • Regular roadworthiness LPG vehicle test

Our team Is waiting for you in Arta and Ioannina ready “to move heaven and earth” to serve you with a smile...

Μανιφάβας Στέφανος | Τεχνικός Διευθυντής Άρτας

Manifavas Stefanos

Vehicle Inspector Manager - Arta
Λιόντος Παναγιώτης | Τεχνικός Διευθυντής

Liondos Panagiotis

Vehicle Inspector Manager - Ioannina
Λιούκας Χρήστος | Τεχνικός Έλεγχος

Lioukas Chris

Vehicle Inspector - Arta
Μάνος Δημήτριος | Τεχνικός Έλεγχος

Manos Dimitrios

Vehicle Inspector - Arta
Βασιλάκης Πέτρος | Τεχνικός Έλεγχος

Vasilakis Peter

Vehicle Inspector - Arta
Παππάς Νίκος | Τεχνικός Έλεγχος

Pappas Nickolas

Vehicle Inspector - Arta
Κράββαρης Βασίλης | Τεχνικός Έλεγχος

Kravvaris Bill

Vehicle Inspector - Arta
Διαμάντης Νίκος | Τεχνικός Έλεγχος

Diamantis Nickolas

Vehicle Inspector - Arta
Τζουβάρας Στέφανος | Τεχνικός Έλεγχος

Tzouvaras Stefanos

Vehicle Inspector - Arta
Τεχνικός Έλεγχος | Καραμπίνας Χρήστος

Karabinas Chris

Vehicle Inspector - Ioannina
Γιαννηκώστας Δημήτρης | Τεχνικός Έλεγχος

Giannikostas Dimitrios

Vehicle Inspector - Ioannina
Βασιλείου Μιχάλης | Τεχνικός Έλεγχος

Vasileiou Michael

Vehicle Inspector - Ioannina
Καραγιάννη Μαρία | Γραμματεία

Karagianni Maria

Secretarial Support - Arta
Καυκιά Ευαγγελία | Γραμματεία

Kafkia Evangelia

Secretarial Support - Arta
Μπίκα Γεωργία | Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη

Bika Georgia

Secretarial Support - Arta
Τσινάβου Αλεξάνδρα | Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη

Tsinavou Alexandra

Secretarial Support - Ioannina
Αναγνώστου Σίλια | Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη

Anagnostou Silia

Secretarial Support - Ioannina
Φερεντίνου Σαββίνα | Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη

Ferentinou Savvina

Secretarial Support - Ioannina


We are ready to "change the way” you are moving on the road. But we would not be able to accomplish this, without working together with all these people who offered their services from the least detail to our heavy equipment.
Thank you...

Pick up & Delivery Service

of your car from and to your place. One of our representatives will call you to confirm the date and time of collection and delivery.

Social Commitment

Collaboration, avant - garde, love and will, can move the earth and the sky… and beautiful many things.

Your thought becomes our knowledge!

We would love to hear your opinion on your visit.